At Cardinaq, we offer natural Sapphire from Ceylon. The exquisite lots of Sapphire are available with us. We are looking forward to connecting with you to provide you with heated and non-heated blue luxury.

origin emerald


Sapphire is a beautiful blue gemstone that has been treasured by many cultures for centuries. At Cardinaq, we present spectacular sapphires from Ceylon. We bring to the forefront the beauty of gemstones in their purest form; natural, real, and intense.


In recent years, sapphire has become increasingly popular in the jewelry industry due to its incredible hardness and luster. As such, it is essential that buyers have confidence in the authenticity of their purchase. The GIA (Gemological Institute of America) and GRS (GemResearch Swisslab) labs are two certifications recognized around the world as symbols of quality assurance when selecting sapphires.

Cardinaq provides customers with detailed grading reports from either GIA or GRS upon request, so they can feel confident that their purchase meets the highest standards of quality. The report includes information on cut, color, clarity and carat measures along with an evaluation of any treatments or enhancements performed on the stone prior to being sold.


The name “sapphire” comes from the Latin word “saphirus” or the Greek word “sapheiros,” both of which mean “blue.” Sapphire is a gemstone that has been prized for centuries. It is most commonly found in shades of blue, but can also be found in other colours such as pink, purple, and yellow.

Sapphires are formed deep within the Earth’s crust where high temperatures and pressures cause aluminium and oxygen to combine. This process can take millions of years to complete. Once the sapphire crystal has formed, it is then brought to the surface by volcanic activity or erosion.

Sapphires come in a variety of colours, but the most prized are the blue ones. The rarity of sapphire is due to a number of factors. First, it is found in very few locations around the world. Sapphire deposits are typically found in metamorphic rocks that have been subjected to high temperatures and pressures. This means that sapphire mines are often located in remote or difficult-to-reach areas. Second, the conditions under which it forms are quite specific and not easy to replicate. Finally, sapphire is difficult to mine and process due to its hardness.

Sapphires are typically cut into faceted stones and used in jewellery, but they can also be used as cabochons or carved into ornamental objects. Sapphire cut is a term most often used in the jewellery industry to describe the step-cut facet pattern of an emerald or rectangular-cut gemstone. The sapphire cut is also called the cabochon cut.

The sapphire cut is created by facets that are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the table of the stone. The pavilion, or bottom, of the stone is left uncut. This type of cut requires special skills and training as it needs to be done with precision in order to create a well-balanced, symmetrical finished product.

At Cardinaq, gemstones of every color are selected to hand-cut them into beautiful jewelry. The chips of these unique sapphires are hand-cut in order to create products that are both original and captivating. We believe in this type of creativity, and we pursue it to build the jewelry our customers entrust to them.

The four factors of clarity are inclusions, blemishes, fractures, and needle-like crystals. Inclusions are internal flaws that can be seen with the naked eye, while blemishes are external. Fractures are cracks that run through the stone, while needle-like crystals are tiny bits of sapphire that grew together during formation.

Sapphires with no visible inclusions are extremely rare and valuable. Most sapphires will have at least some small inclusions that don’t affect the beauty of the stone. Sapphire clarity is also affected by colour zoning.

Sapphire is the birthstone for the month of September and is also associated with the astrological sign of Taurus. Sapphires have been used in astrology for centuries and are said to represent wisdom, faith, and loyalty. The gemstone is also associated with the planet Saturn, which is linked to structure and discipline. Sapphires are said to be helpful for those who need to find focus and clarity in their lives.

The colour of a sapphire is also thought to be important in determining its astrological value. Blue sapphires are said to be calming and soothing, while yellow sapphires are associated with happiness and optimism. White sapphires are said to promote purity and innocence.

To clean your sapphire, simply use warm soapy water and a soft cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners as they can damage the stone. To protect your sapphire from scratches, store it separately from other jewellery in a soft pouch or lined box.

Avoid exposing your sapphire to extreme heat or direct sunlight for prolonged periods of time, as this can cause the stone to fade. With proper care, your sapphire will retain its beauty for many years to come!